Vultage Features

Active Vulnerability Management Process

Vulnerability Management is a process used to actively identify, analyze, remediate and monitor vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks and applications to ensure an organization’s information security.

Key Step: Asset Scoring

Asset Scoring is a key step in Vulnerability Management and enables the organization to prioritize its assets in terms of vulnerabilities.

Effective Resource Utilization

If the organization has a large network and system infrastructure, it is not practical to treat all assets with the same priority. Asset Scoring enables more effective use of time and resources by identifying and prioritizing the most critical and important assets.

Focus on Critical Assets

By identifying the highest risk assets, Asset Scoring makes it possible to focus on quickly remediating vulnerabilities in these assets. In this way, it is possible to reduce risks on the most vulnerable assets and minimize the attack surface.

Efficient Vulnerability Remediation

Attempting to remediate the vulnerabilities of all assets can lead to unnecessary expenditure of resources and inefficiencies. Asset Scoring provides a more effective vulnerability remediation process by helping to properly direct limited resources.

Rapid Identification: Critical Assets

Asset Scoring enables the rapid identification of vulnerabilities in the most critical assets. This allows security teams to quickly respond to vulnerabilities in these assets and prevent potential attacks.

Vultage’s Asset Scoring Benefits

Vultage’s Asset Scoring enables an organization to prioritize its assets against vulnerabilities, providing critical vulnerability management that helps focus limited resources on the most critical areas and increase the level of security.